This morning, Florida GOP Rep. David Jolly announced he is dropping his Senate bid to run for reelection to the House in FL-13, giving Republicans a credible path against former Gov. Charlie Crist, who will be the Democratic nominee. But he is still the underdog: a new court-ordered map unites St. Petersburg, making FL-13 four points more Democratic than it was in 2014. As a result, Crist is still the favorite. Democrats were quick to point Jolly's reaction to the new map last fall: "virtually every person in the political sphere will tell you no Republican can win." In truth, Jolly may have a marginally better chance at holding his House seat than winning the Senate seat, but that may not be saying much. In March, Crist had more cash on hand than Jolly ($603,000 to $562,000). Jolly has beaten the odds before, winning a 2014 special election against former Democratic gubernatorial nominee Alex Sink. And, he came off favorably in a recent CBS 60 Minutes piece slamming the high-pressure fundraising environment of Capitol Hill. Moreover, a lot of voters

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