First Person is a series of quick videos from the Cook Political Report editors exclusively for our premium members. This week, we are featuring a preview clip from our new “Editors Roundtable” discussion held December 5, 2023. Formally launching in January, the “Editors Roundtable” is a new series exclusively available for Cook Political Report subscribers. Amy Walter, David Wasserman, Jessica Taylor and Charlie Cook will discuss the most important developments in key races, break down the latest polling and data, and alert you to emerging trends to watch. Think of it like sitting in CPR editorial meetings without the commute.


Amy Walter: [00:00:00] Charlie, you've written that barring a health emergency, Donald Trump is the nominee. So, do you think this is a reality that this is the weakness of the Republican field or just that Donald Trump is so very strong and could anything happen in Iowa and New Hampshire that could change this calculus?

Charlie Cook: I think in retrospect, I'm not sure this Republican nomination fight was ever competitive. I was just in Iowa last week

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