This story was originally published on on September 30, 2016 We’re in the polit­ic­al twi­light peri­od that comes after the first pres­id­en­tial de­bate but be­fore re­li­able sur­veys meas­ure the pub­lic’s re­ac­tion. Every­one ex­cept Don­ald Trump thinks Hil­lary Clin­ton “won” the de­bate, but don’t ex­pect a big jump for her in the polls. After the two con­ven­tions and some bad weeks for Trump, Clin­ton jumped ahead by an un­real­ist­ic and un­sus­tain­able lead of about 8 points. Then she had a couple of hor­rible weeks punc­tu­ated by a near-col­lapse from pneu­mo­nia, and she plunged to a razor-thin and frankly un­ima­gin­able lead of just a point or two. In the few days lead­ing up the de­bate it looked like Clin­ton had bot­tomed out, and even picked up a point or two. But the race was still close and will likely re­main so even after the de­bate re­ac­tions are factored in. It’s pos­sible that Clin­ton picked up an­oth­er point or two from the de­bate, put­ting her ad­vant­age back in­to the 3-to-5 point range. That strikes me as the nat­ur­al con­tour of this race,

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