This story was originally published on on November 4, 2016 When Ger­ald Ford was sworn in­to of­fice after Pres­id­ent Nix­on’s resig­na­tion, he said, “My fel­low Amer­ic­ans, our long na­tion­al night­mare is over.” My guess is that a lot of people are look­ing for­ward to Elec­tion Day with the same feel­ing. Hil­lary Clin­ton re­mains a sol­id fa­vor­ite to win the pres­id­ency. The only ques­tion is wheth­er she will win 272 elect­or­al votes, just two over the min­im­um needed, or closer to 300 or 310. The dif­fer­ence would likely turn on Flor­ida and North Car­o­lina. If she loses both, she’ll just skate by. If she wins both, her total would clear the 300 mark. Not that na­tion­al polling mat­ters much right now, oth­er than as an easy means to keep score, but poll­sters in both parties think her lead over Don­ald Trump is between 2 and 5 points. The former cuts things a bit close; the lat­ter would provide a very sol­id win giv­en the clear di­vi­sions in the coun­try today. Demo­crats are still likely to come out on top in

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