The second inauguration of Donald Trump was a great preview of what to expect for the next four years.

It was both traditional and norm busting.

As has been the tradition, which President Trump famously broke in 2021, the sitting president attended the swearing-in ceremony, as did all of the other living presidents. But, the wives of former Vice President Mike Pence and President Barack Obama, both of whom have clear disdain for the new POTUS, stayed home.

Front row seats in the over-crowded Capitol rotunda were given to familiar figures like cabinet appointees and family members. But, they were joined by a decidedly non-traditional set of tech executives like Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos and their wives and partners. This positioning looked like a clear blurring of the lines between business and government — and their presence also served as a reminder of Trump’s ability to bring even the most wealthy and powerful to heel. Meanwhile, in another breach of tradition, statewide office holders like sitting governors were relegated to overflow seating to make room for social media figures

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