This story was originally published on on April 28, 2017 In Texas, when people talk loudly and prom­ise a lot but de­liv­er little, they are said to be “all hat and no cattle.” On the eve of Pres­id­ent Trump’s first 100 days, that’s a pretty apt de­scrip­tion of his first few months in of­fice. The first-100-day yard­stick may be ar­ti­fi­cial and ar­bit­rary, but his cor­ral is pretty empty, at least le­gis­lat­ively. Al­though a little over two dozen bills have been signed in­to law, none are of any real sig­ni­fic­ance, cer­tainly not on the or­der of mag­nitude that can­did­ate Don­ald Trump prom­ised dur­ing the cam­paign. It has of­ten been said that per­son­nel is policy, and with few­er than 10 per­cent of ap­pointees either not picked or await­ing Sen­ate con­firm­a­tion, that cliché seems on tar­get. Aside from ex­ec­ut­ive or­ders, what we have seen is more theat­er than res­ults. Load­ing up sev­en buses with 100 sen­at­ors to come to the Old Ex­ec­ut­ive Of­fice Build­ing for a brief­ing that could have just as eas­ily been held in the Dirk­sen Sen­ate Of­fice Build­ing was

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