This story was originally published on on November 15, 2016 Be­fore as­sign­ing blame for why Hil­lary Clin­ton lost a race that she was sup­posed to win, it seems ap­pro­pri­ate to first give cred­it to the vic­tor. Wheth­er you like or agree with Pres­id­ent-elect Don­ald Trump, you have to give him cred­it for see­ing and tap­ping in­to something that few oth­ers saw. From his gil­ded 58th floor, three-story apart­ment in Trump Tower over­look­ing Cent­ral Park, the real es­tate de­veloper and tele­vi­sion per­son­al­ity some­how peered in­to the Amer­ic­an psyche and de­tec­ted a grow­ing an­ger and re­sent­ment among work­ing- and lower- middle-class whites, par­tic­u­larly those in small towns, far sub­urbs, and rur­al areas, who feel left be­hind in the 21st-cen­tury glob­al eco­nomy. Trump has lived in New York City for most of his 70 years, ex­cept­ing a stint at a mil­it­ary prep school and an Ivy League in­ter­lude at Penn in Phil­adelphia, and his life was cata­logued in glossy Man­hat­tan style and so­ci­ety magazines. Yet alone among the pres­id­en­tial can­did­ates, this moneyed, citi­fied man sensed the griev­ances of coun­try people to­ward the

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