If schadenfreude made a sound, D.C. would be reverberating with it. Democrats and #NeverTrump-ers are gleefully gloating as the Trump administration stumbles and fumbles its way through its first 100 days. With his party unable to coalesce around the “easy” stuff like an Obamacare repeal/replace plan, the White House is reaching out to moderate Democrats in an effort to boost their chances of avoiding a government shutdown at the end of April and for some buy-ins on tax reform. In recent days, White House Legislative Director Marc Short and Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady have held private meetings with House centrist Democrats. But, at this point, it’s hard to see these efforts getting very far. However, can Democrats afford to simply watch the GOP fail, if it also means that the needs, concerns and frustrations of Americans aren’t addressed? In the early-1990s, when I first came to D.C., a president of one party reaching out to the opposition party to pass major legislation wasn’t considered a radical concept or a waste of time. In 1993, President Bill Clinton passed

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