This story was originally published on on April 11, 2016 Please spare me the tiff between Hil­lary Clin­ton and Bernie Sanders over who is qual­i­fied to be pres­id­ent. Art­icle II of the Con­sti­tu­tion settles the mat­ter. There are no al­leg­a­tions of either one be­ing born in Kenya or Canada or any­where else out­side of the U.S., both are ob­vi­ously over 35 years of age, and each has resided in this coun­try for more than 14 years. Clin­ton would be well ad­vised to fo­cus on the prob­lems fa­cing the coun­try and why she would be bet­ter than Don­ald Trump or Ted Cruz in deal­ing with them. The only time she should men­tion Sanders by name is when say­ing, “I know that Sen­at­or Sanders and I both be­lieve that….” Then she should launch in­to a mes­sage that splits the dif­fer­ence between Demo­crat­ic primary voters and swing voters in a gen­er­al elec­tion, throw­ing in plenty of at­tacks on Trump, Cruz, and the Re­pub­lic­an Party, with an em­phas­is on tem­pera­ment, ma­tur­ity, and abil­ity to work with oth­ers. Clin­ton needs to start mak­ing the

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