We have just turned the corner, entering a new year (2025), a new Congress (119th), a new election cycle (2026), and in 2028, presumably the first presidential election since 1976 without a Bush, Clinton, or Biden on a ticket. There is a fair chance of generational change coming as well. President Biden was born in 1942 near the tail end of the Silent Generation (1928-1945), and President-elect Trump was born in 1946, the first year of the baby boomers. Will the next Oval Office occupant hail from Generation X (born 1965-1980)?

It is almost disorienting to think about the shifting partisan fortunes in Washington over the last decade. Eight years ago, in January 2017, Republicans controlled all three elected elements of our national government—Donald Trump was moving into the White House, Paul Ryan was the new speaker of a GOP-controlled House, and Mitch McConnell sat atop a GOP Senate majority.

Four years ago, in January 2021, it was a Democrat, Joe Biden, unpacking at the White House; another, Nancy Pelosi, taking over as speaker; and Chuck Schumer the Senate majority

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