Exclusively for CPR subscribers, the Editors Roundtable features Cook Political Report analysts discussing the most critical developments and trends driving political coverage.
Amy Walter, David Wasserman and Jessica Taylor discuss the most interesting findings from our August 2024 Swing State poll, a collaboration with BSG and GS Strategy Group.
Hey there. I'm Amy Walter. This is the Editor's Roundtable.
This podcast is exclusively for you, a subscriber to the Cook Political Report.
We created it to peel back the curtain and give you an inside look at some of what happens in our weekly editorial meetings. Today, I am joined by my Cook Political Report colleagues, David Wasserman and Jessica Taylor.
Alright. So we are here to talk about our swing state project survey, which we released this week.
If you go to the website, you will see all of our analysis and an overview and the poll itself. But what we wanted to talk about today is, a lot of the stuff that's in the poll that we think was the most interesting, and it goes
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