First Person is a series of quick videos from the Cook Political Report editors exclusively for our premium members.
This week, Amy discusses what Republicans' narrow majority in Congress could mean for Trump's agenda.
Hi there. Welcome to First Person, and welcome to a new year. It's twenty twenty five.We are still a few days away from the inaugural, but congress has started. Republicans already trying to get their legislative agenda on track. Now we know that, they wanna be able to get a whole lot done specifically on taxes, but also on immigration, on energy policy.And the president wants to see the incoming president, president-elect Trump, wants to see something as quickly as possible on his desk.The numbers tell us this is not gonna be all that easy because Republicans have just the narrowest of majorities.The house, a very, very narrow margin is what Republicans are dealing with. Just basically a one seat margin, the smallest we've seen in more than a hundred years. So what is that gonna look like? It sure makes it seem really
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The Cook Political Report is an independent, non-partisan newsletter that analyzes elections and campaigns for the US House of Representatives, US Senate, Governors and President as well as American political trends.
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