First Person is a series of quick videos from the Cook Political Report editors exclusively for our premium members.
This week, Erin explains how Democrats overperformed In the most competitive House races.
Hi. I'm Erin Covey. I'm the house editor at the Cook Political Report. And right now, it has been a little over two weeks since the election. Of course, with the house races, there are still a couple of races that are left to call. Technically, three are left. One in Iowa that is going to a recount that is likely to remain held by the Republican congresswoman there, Marianette Miller Meeks, and then two in California, which are naturally taking forever to finish counting their ballots.Those are both two Republican held seats that have a chance at flipping. So, ultimately, what's kind of crazy is after all of this spending on both sides of the aisle, it looks like the race for the the house, the ultimate margin is going to just be a wash. It'll either be identical to the current margin that Republicans
What is The Cook Political Report?
The Cook Political Report is an independent, non-partisan newsletter that analyzes elections and campaigns for the US House of Representatives, US Senate, Governors and President as well as American political trends.
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