Throughout the 2022 cycle, we'll be providing quick updates on important redistricting developments in each state. Be sure to visit our "Road Map to Redistricting" for an overview of who controls the process and links to our state-by-state analysis. Also be sure to bookmark our "House Incumbents Most at Risk" and "Enacted Maps & 2022 Ratings" interactives.
NevadaOn Tuesday, Nevada's Democratic legislature unveiled a proposal that, as expected, seeks to lock in the current 3D-1R breakdown for another decade. It would unpack Democratic Rep. Dina Titus's Las Vegas 1st CD (which voted for President Biden by 25 points in 2020) to shore up Democratic Reps. Susie Lee (NV-03) and Steven Horsford (NV-04), who represent seats that voted for Biden by 0.2 points and four points respectively.
The plan carries risks: the Biden margin in Titus's 1st CD would drop from 25 points to eight points, raising the possibility that Republicans could sweep the entire delegation if the political environment in 2022 looks anything like it did in Virginia and New Jersey last week. Horsford's North Las Vegas-based district would
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