Delaware: This race is in something of a holding pattern in the wake of former Democratic state Attorney General Beau Biden’s death in late May. Biden was an overwhelming frontrunner both for the Democratic nomination and in the general election to succeed term-limited Democratic Gov. Jack Markell. Other Democrats interested in the race are staying on the sidelines for now as Biden’s family continues to grieve their loss. John Carney, the state At-Large U.S. Representative, is being encouraged to run. Carney, who was Lieutenant Governor before getting elected to the U.S. House, lost a race for the gubernatorial nomination to Markell in in 2008. Other Democrats mentioned include Attorney General Matt Denn, New Castle County Executive Tom Gordon, and state Treasurer Ken Simpler. At some point in the next few weeks, candidates will announce and the race – at least for the Democratic nomination – will resume. The state leans toward Democrats, particularly in presidential years, making this a difficult race for Republicans. State Sen. Colin Bonini has announced his candidacy, while state Rep. Michael Ramone is looking at the
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