Countless hours and tens of thousands of words have been expended since Tuesday night dissecting the results of the gubernatorial contests in New Jersey and Virginia. The objective is to discern what it all means – what it means for the 2014 mid-term elections, what it means for the 2016 presidential election, what it means for the Tea Party activists and establishment Republicans, what it means for how social issues will play in future elections, and what means for the remainder of President Obama’s second term.Both political parties are active participants in the “what it all means” game, providing plenty of spin to anyone who will listen. Democrats contend that former Democratic National Committee chair Terry McAuliffe’s win in Virginia is a sign that they are positioned to pick up seats next fall. Left unsaid was that they lost a Governor’s race in the very blue state of New Jersey by 22 points. Republicans tried to make lemonade out of their loss in Virginia by spinning that the closer-than-expected result is a sign that health care reform will drag down

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