Alaska: This race has been perplexing since Democratic nominee Byron Mallot dropped his bid for Governor and joined independent candidate Bill Walker on a unity ticket to challenge Republican Gov. Sean Parnell. The polls have bounced all over the place, which is pretty typical in Alaska where public polling is notoriously unreliable, and there has been limited television advertising time available to the gubernatorial candidates. All in all, it's been difficult to get a handle on how much trouble Parnell is really in, but GOP strategists seem concerned enough that it warrants a move to the Toss Up column.

Maryland: Both parties acknowledge that this contest between Democratic Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown and GOP businessman Larry Hogan has gotten very close in this very blue state. Neither side thought they would be spending seven figures here, particularly this late in the race. Democrats believe that they caught Hogan's surge, and have had enough time to define their own candidate. We tend to agree and believe that Brown enjoys a slight advantage, but polling and the barrage of television ads from

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