When Republican Linda Lingle won the Governor's race in 2002, Democrats called it an aberration and suggested that her victory had more to do with outgoing Democratic Gov. Ben Cayetano than it did with Lingle. Many Democrats also suggested that Lingle would be a one-term Governor.

Fast forward three and a half years, and Democrats' predictions seem far removed from the current reality. Lingle has had a successful first term and is popular with voters. A poll for the Honolulu Advertiser (June 21-28 of 602 registered voters) put Lingle's job approval rating at 73 percent. And while Democrats talked a good game about finding a first-tier challenger, one did not emerge by the July 25 filing deadline. The Governor faces three minor opponents in the GOP primary and then the winner of a three-way Democratic contest between former state Sen. Randall Iwase, harbor master William Aila and Van Tanabe.

According to the Honolulu Advertiser survey, Lingle led Iwase, 64 percent to 18 percent and beat Aila, 68 percent to 9 percent. The Governor also has an overwhelming advantage in fundraising.

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