Donald Trump's decision to tap Indiana Republican Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate means that Republicans are going to have to find a new gubernatorial nominee. Pence is prohibited from running for both offices, and he had until noon today to withdraw from the Governor's race. The state party's rules require that they give 10 days notice of a meeting of the Central Committee where it will select a new candidate. That meeting is likely to take place on July 25 or 26. While almost any Republican can asked to be considered, the current thinking is that the committee will consider four candidates: Lt. Gov. Eric Holcomb, U.S. Reps. Susan Brooks and Todd Rokita, and state House Speaker Brian Bosma. Holcomb, who was once state party chair, and Brooks are thought to be frontrunners. One name that won't be considered is that of former Gov. Mitch Daniels. While he gave the idea of making a come back some though, Daniels put out a statement yesterday saying that he wouldn't be a candidate. Pence leaves the gubernatorial contest with $7
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