Today, a federal court selected a new Alabama congressional map drawn by a court-appointed special master that adds a second Black majority district to the state for the first time in history, following the Supreme Court's June decision in Allen v. Milligan. The new map caps a yearslong push by civil rights groups and Democrats for more proportional representation of Black voters, and virtually guarantees Democrats will gain Alabama's 2nd District next fall.

Under the new lines, the revamped 2nd District takes in all of Montgomery and hooks south into Mobile, for a seat that's 50.9% Black by total population and 49.8% Black by voting age population. It would have voted Biden +12 in 2020, versus Trump +29 under the current GOP-drawn lines. Democratic Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-07) keeps a safe seat linking Birmingham, Selma, and the Black Belt, which is 54% Black, down from 57% under the current lines.

Given the racially polarized nature of voting in Alabama, a Biden +12 seat is a pretty safe bet for Democrats and will set off a lot of jockeying before

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