This is the first in a series of race rundowns designed to give subscribers a quick snapshot of what's happening in each district in 2018. Throughout the cycle, watch for our detailed analysis of the most closely-fought races in our competitive race overviews. Individual race pages will be updated as developments warrant, and be sure to bookmark our ratings to keep track of the latest changes.
AlabamaAL-01: Bradley Byrne (R) - Southwest corner: Mobile Solid Republican. Byrne's only threat in this Mobile district, an aerospace manufacturing hub, would come in a primary. Byrne, a former Democrat and state senator, narrowly beat hardcore social conservative and Tea Party activist Dean Young in a 2013 special primary with the support of Mobile's business community. In 2016, Byrne beat back a Young rematch with 60 percent while Trump romped, so he's in good shape for now.
AL-02: Martha Roby (R) - Southeast corner: Wiregrass, part of Montgomery Solid Republican. Roby's decision to rescind her Trump endorsement following the Access Hollywood tape backfired in 2016. While Trump carried the district with 65 percent,
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Our subscribers have first access to individual race pages for each House, Senate and Governors race, which will include race ratings (each race is rated on a seven-point scale) and a narrative analysis pertaining to that race.