This is the sixth in a series of race rundowns designed to give subscribers a quick snapshot of what's happening in each district in 2018. Throughout the cycle, watch for our detailed analysis of the most closely-fought races in our competitive race overviews. And, be sure to bookmark our ratings to keep track of the latest changes.


MS-01: Trent Kelly (R) - Northeast: Tupelo, Southaven, Columbus Solid Republican. This northeastern Mississippi had a brief flirtation with conservative Democrat Travis Childers between 2008 and 2010. But Kelly, an Iraq War veteran, has locked down this seat since winning a 2015 special election.

MS-02: Bennie Thompson (D) - Mississippi Delta: Jackson, Greenville Solid Democratic. The dean of the delegation, Thompson is a fixture in this African-American seat based in the Mississippi Delta.

MS-03: OPEN (Harper) (R) - South central: Jackson suburbs, Meridian Solid Republican. Harper's retirement is likely to draw a crowded GOP field for the June 5 primary (and likely a June 26 runoff) in this safe GOP seat based in the Jackson suburbs. Rankin/Madison county prosecutor Michael Guest

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