This is the fourth in a series of race rundowns designed to give subscribers a quick snapshot of what's happening in each district in 2020. Throughout the cycle, watch for our detailed analysis of the most closely-fought races in our competitive race overviews. Individual race pages will be updated as developments warrant, and be sure to bookmark our ratings to keep track of the latest changes.


GA-01: Buddy Carter (R) - Southeast: Savannah, Brunswick Solid Republican. Even in the blue wave of 2018, Carter defeated Bryan County Democratic Chair Lisa Ring 58 percent to 42 percent. Ring is running again, but the incumbent pharmacist won't have any trouble. GA-02: Sanford Bishop (D) - Southwest: Albany, Macon, Columbus Solid Democratic. Ever since 2011 redistricting turned this into an African-American majority seat, Bishop has been virtually guaranteed reelection. As one of the longest-serving Blue Dogs in the House, Bishop has a more conservative voting record than other members of the Congressional Black Caucus. Back in the majority, he's now the chair of the Appropriations subcommittee on agriculture and rural development. GA-03:

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