This is the ninth in a series of race rundowns designed to give subscribers a quick snapshot of what's happening in each district in 2020. Throughout the cycle, watch for our detailed analysis of the most closely-fought races in our competitive race overviews. Individual race pages will be updated as developments warrant, and be sure to bookmark our ratings to keep track of the latest changes.


PA-01: Brian Fitzpatrick (R) - Southeast: Bucks County Lean Republican. Fitzpatrick, a moderate former FBI agent, stands out as one of only three Republicans remaining in a district carried by Hillary Clinton (and one of just two currently running for reelection). But this district may be cursed for Democrats: after failing to capitalize on the 2018 wave, their crop of 2020 recruits is so far failing to impress most party operatives. In 2018, wealthy attorney and philanthropist Scott Wallace - who hadn't lived full-time in parochial Bucks County in years - spent $13 million of his own but was easy for Republicans to cast as out-of-touch and fell short 49 percent to

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