With the vote count nearly complete in all 50 states, Republicans appear to have captured a 222 to 213 majority in the House, a mirror image of Democrats' slim current majority. Only two races have yet to be called by a major news network: California's 13th CD and Colorado's 3rd CD. But leads for Republicans John Duarte (593 votes) and Rep. Lauren Boebert (554 votes), are highly unlikely to be overturned by outstanding ballots or recounts.
This was a fascinating, wildly varied result: in early 2022, few would have guessed Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-17) would become the first DCCC chair since 1980 to lose reelection and Democrats could simultaneously defy history and keep their House losses to single digits.
Yet Republicans are set to net just nine seats, an underwhelming gain in the context of President Biden's 43% approval rating and a 40-year high, 8.2% inflation rate. Between 1934 and 2018, the president's party had lost an average of 28 House seats in midterms, and Biden's standing was even a touch weaker than that of Bill Clinton in 1994
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