Four weeks out, House Republicans are in danger of slipping deeper in the minority as Democrats push deeper into red territory. Privately, some GOP strategists fear the party isn't "triaging" races fast enough by ditching long-prized offensive opportunities and shoring up seats in unexpected trouble. The focus may have long ago shifted to the Senate, but Republicans face three main problems in the House.First, polling across the House landscape tells a consistent story: in both parties' surveys, President Trump is underperforming his 2016 margins by five to ten points, with the notable exception of heavily Latino districts (Miami, for example) where he's doing relatively well. But in some suburban-dominated districts, Trump is trailing his 2016 margins by more than ten points, dragging Republicans down.Trump's sagging numbers are especially problematic in "second order suburbs" of traditionally GOP metro areas that just barely averted going blue in 2018, but where Trump is more toxic today than he was in 2016. These include high-college, GOP-held districts in suburban St. Louis (MO-02), Indianapolis (IN-05), Omaha (NE-02), Cincinnati (OH-01), Phoenix (AZ-06) and San Antonio (TX-21).Second,
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