The 2022 primary season kicks off less than six weeks from now in Texas on March 1. And while Republicans are clear favorites for House control, under-the-radar GOP primaries all over the country will determine just how "MAGA-fied" vs. "traditionalist" next year's House GOP conference will be. Although not exhaustive, here's an initial list of the 25 most critical GOP primaries to watch. We'll go into more depth as more primaries come into focus.

25 Republican House Primaries to Watch: AK-AL: Don Young (R) Solid Republican. The curmudgeonly, 88-year old dean of the House faces a primary from Nick Begich III, a 44-year old software developer and the conservative grandson of the Democrat Young succeeded in 1973, Nick Begich (who died in a 1972 plane crash). But there's something fishy in Alaska: even though Young voted to certify the 2020 election and was one of just 13 GOP votes for the bipartisan infrastructure bill, Begich is barely attacking Young. Weirdly, Begich chaired Young's 2020 reelection campaign and has hired Young's former campaign manager. He calls himself a "strong conservative" and

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