Indiana's tradition of fiercely fought congressional elections may take a breather in 2014. The last few cycles have been tumultuous: three of nine seats have switched parties in the last two cycles, and after Republicans unraveled Democrats' old gerrymander, the GOP won a 7-2 edge in 2012. Besides 15-term 1st CD Democratic Rep. Pete Visclosky, there is no incumbent who has served more than six years.Democrats made a strong bid for the southwestern 8th CD in 2012, and fielded a strong candidate in former state Rep. Dave Crooks. But President Obama proved a drag in southern Indiana, and Crooks lost by 10 points. In 2014, Democrats will instead be looking to target GOP Rep. Jackie Walorski in the South Bend 2nd CD, who won by fewer than 4,000 votes in 2012. But in a midterm cycle, Walorski still enters the race as the favorite.IN-01: Pete Visclosky (D) - Northwest corner: Gary, HammondSolid Democratic. GOP-led redistricting made this already-solidly Democratic Northwest Indiana district two points more Democratic, not that Visclosky needed the help. Visclosky, a 15-term appropriator who in February 2010
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