Iowa may be ground zero for the 2020 presidential race, but it's also shaping up to be a critical battleground in determining the House majority with all of its four congressional seats potentially up for grabs. In a way Iowa's three Toss Up races are a microcosm of the stakes and obstacles for both parties. Democrats need to find a way to reach rural Midwest voters Trump had converted who may be wary how tariffs and trade wars that could impact the state's agricultural exports, while Republicans hope the president, who they call their "best turnout machine" will excite his base by tying state Democrats to the more extremes of the party. Trump has a better chance of keeping Iowa (which he won by 9 points in 2016) in his column than he does Michigan or Wisconsin. And that's one reason why Republicans think they can win back two districts they lost in the midterms (IA-01 and IA-02) and potentially flip the now-open IA-02 district thanks to Democratic Rep. Dave Loebsack's retirement. All three of those districts voted for President
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