Democratic Rep. Ted Strickland’s (OH-06) decision to run for Governor is having an impact on the political fate of not just one, but two Ohio congressional districts. Not only is the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee now forced to defend a very marginal district, but their ability to find and run a serious challenge to GOP Rep. Bob Ney in the neighboring 18th CD is also effected by Strickland’s gubernatorial bid. Democrats have been crowing for weeks that Ney, who has been linked to discredited lobbyist Jack Abramoff, is vulnerable to charges of ethics violations. It seems, though, that the pool of potential challengers for the Ney seat is the same as that for the Strickland seat. For potential candidates, an open seat is certainly a more appealing avenue to Congress than trying to defeat a well-funded incumbent. And, while both districts take in large swatches of rural territory, both are also covered by expensive media markets, meaning that financial decisions may dictate just how involved the DCCC can be in both contests.

Ney has not had a serious challenge

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