How many voters are really trying to decide between President Biden and former President Trump? Are there that many weighing the pros and cons of each man, actually trying to decide who would better lead the country over the next four years? Or are there more who are trying to decide between voting for one of them and not voting at all?

Some things are constant, starting with the reality that Democrats vote for Democrats and Republicans for Republicans. Depending upon which of the massive voter surveys conducted after the 2020 election you prefer (the National Election Pool, AP-NORC’s VoteCast, or the Pew Research Center’s validated-voter survey), Biden either received 94 or 95 percent of the vote of Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents, while Trump pulled between 91 and 94 percent of the vote from Republicans and GOP-leaning independents.

Befitting our increased tribalization, 2020 was more partisan than any of the five previous presidential elections, in which the Democratic nominee pulled between 87 and 92 percent of Democrats and Democratic leaners and the Republican nominee between 88 and 93 percent of

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