One needs to look no farther than the "A" section of last Tuesday morning's Washington Post or New York Times to see how dramatically things have changed in a week. Issues and conflicts that seemed so huge then, now seem almost trivial in comparison. Tragic events like last week's terrorist attacks put everything else back into context.

But things will go on. There remains a legislative and budgetary process, partisan politics has not ended forever and a mid-term election will be held next year. Life in this country and particularly around our nation's capital will be very different for a time. And the issues that seemed so important before have not evaporated or been solved (with the exception of reopening Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House), they will just be pushed back for a while.

William K. Moore, managing director in the Washington office of Public Strategies, Inc. is telling his clients that while the previous issue slate has not been wiped clean, "items that do not contribute to the war, help rebuild the economy, or allay the

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