In many ways, Wednesday night’s Republican debate feels anti-climactic. After all, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that the contest for the GOP nomination is already over.
National polls put former President Donald Trump ahead of his closest rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, by an average of more than 37 points.
Even in the early states, like Iowa, Trump leads his rivals by anywhere from 16 to 24 points.
At the same time, two new polls suggest that this race isn’t quite set in stone.
In the August CBS/YouGov national survey, where Trump leads by almost 50 points (62% to 16% for DeSantis), about half of his voters say they are at least “considering” someone else.
The recent Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom Iowa Poll, found that a little more than half of the GOP electorate (52%) say their minds aren’t made up and could be persuaded to support another candidate. In addition, just 41% of the potential GOP caucus electorate says they would like the party to continue to be led by Trump, while 31% would
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