With the Senate firmly in play, Democrats showed their fundraising mettle during the first quarter of 2020 as GOP incumbents lagged behind their likely challengers in many top contests. The disparity is only further evidence that political momentum is largely on the side of Democrats as they continue to expand the battlefield of competitive races.

In our four races we rate as Toss Up, every endangered Republican was outraised by their probable Democratic opponent, in nearly 2-to-1 margins or more across the board. In total, Democrats in these four most competitive contests outraised Republican incumbents by an average of $3.3 million.

These early markers could prove important as candidates across the board face an uncertain 2nd fundraising quarter. Most of these races were impacted only as of late by the COVID19 pandemic, which has tanked the U.S. economy and driven up unemployment. But the next three months could see donors and individuals less willing — or able — to open up their checkbooks. Conventional wisdom is that might benefit incumbents more in the short term, who still retain

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