First Person is a series of quick videos from the Cook Political Report editors exclusively for our premium members.
To celebrate The Cook Political Report's 40th anniversary, we are releasing our collection of archived ratings and reports. This week, Amy explores some of her favorite findings in the vault.
Transcript: [00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to First Person. Well, this is a big month here for the Cook Political Report. It's our 40th anniversary. And to celebrate, well, we're doing it in a way that only the Cook Political Report would celebrate, which is to dig in to past Cook political reports. That's right. We've taken all the print editions of The Cook Political Report from 1984 to 2002.
We've spent the year digitizing them and organizing them so that you can go back and search them. This gives you the opportunity to go back and look at house ratings, Senate ratings, governor's ratings all the way back from 1984. To the present, there's also a searchable database.
Of all of our past additions, so I've been
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Our subscribers have first access to individual race pages for each House, Senate and Governors race, which will include race ratings (each race is rated on a seven-point scale) and a narrative analysis pertaining to that race.