First Person is a series of quick videos from the Cook Political Report editors exclusively for our premium members.
This week's First Person is a bonus clip from our first episode of Editors Roundtable. The newest member of The Cook Political Report team, Erin Covey, looks at how the 17 Republicans running in House districts carried by Biden will fare in 2024. She questions to what extent they will embrace former president Donald Trump.
Transcript: [00:00:00] So right now there are 17 Republicans who are running in districts that Biden carried. Potentially could be one more, depending on what happens in the NY-03 special. But all of these members are staying as far away from the presidential race as possible right now because they're all running in districts that Trump lost in 2020 and has a good chance of losing in 2024, depending on how things go.
A lot of these districts are even districts that Biden won by low double digits. So even if Biden underperforms relative to his 2020 margin. He probably is still going to
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