We made two Governor rating changes this week. In New Hampshire, Republican Gov. Chris Sununu's decision not to seek a fifth term moved the race from Solid Republican to Toss Up. And in Washington, the entrance of former Rep. Dave Reichert into the race moves it from Solid Democrat to Likely Democrat.

Jessica Taylor: [00:00:00] Hi, I'm Jessica Taylor. I'm the Senate and Governors editor here at The Cook Political Report. And this week we had two gubernatorial race rating changes.

Now one we were kind of expecting and that's New Hampshire. As I wrote for last week's newsletter, we had long expected that moderate. Governor Chris Sununu was not going to run for what would be, would've been an unprecedented fifth two-year term.

There are no term limits in New Hampshire, but sources I've been talking to for weeks said that it was more, it was highly likely he was not going to run. He made that official on Wednesday and we immediately changed that rating from Solid Republican to Toss Up.

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