At this point, only a fool would predict the outcome of the death battle between President Clinton on the one side and Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr and congressional Republicans on the other. Obviously, Clinton remains in a tenuous position, confronting a hostile Republican majority and nervous and soured members of his own party on Capitol Hill, and a public that is largely revolted by revelations of his relationship with a 22 year-old intern in the Oval Office suite.

Having said all of that, Clinton does not appear to be in a political free-fall, at least in terms of public opinion. Most expected the bottom to fall out for him immediately after Starr's report was released.

It didn't happen.

At this writing, the first overnight polls are not in, but it does not appear that the release of the videotapes of Clinton's grand jury appearance and 2,000-page appendices of supporting documents from Starr will do the trick either. With very little left to the imagination from the Starr report, whatever outrage that could occur already may be factored in.

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